Celebrating the work of Vincent van Gogh, the Roasterie created The Rispal Blend, a dark coffee with punchy acidity, inspired by the Van Gogh painting Restaurant Rispal at Asnières in the Nelson-Atkins collection. It is complemented by milk chocolate batons laced with bright, citrus flavor crafted by André’s Confiserie Suisse.
Dried maple leaves, apple cider and gentle aromas of vanilla and pipe tobacco.
About The Roasterie:
The Roasterie has been locally owned and operated since its inception in 1993, and has been serving the Kansas City community in restaurants, coffee shops, grocery stores, hospitals, offices, high schools and universities since. The Roasterie believes in partnering with farmers, millers and exporters in producing countries to build mutually beneficial direct trade relationships, and works to improve the quality of life for its farmers and employees at every level.